If the host writes a byte to address 0x40 (0x40, data), 2 calls to the ISR occur:
I2CxSTATbits.D_A = 0 (address)
I2C2STATbits.R_W = 0 (write)
I2CxRCV = 0x40 (our address)
Don't load I2CxTRN.
I2CxSTATbits.D_A = 1 (data)
I2C2STATbits.R_W = 0 (write)
I2CxRCV = incoming data
Don't load I2CxTRN
If the host reads a byte from address 0x40, 1 call to the ISR occurs:
I2CxSTATbits.D_A = 0 (address)
I2C2STATbits.R_W = 1 (read)
I2CxRCV = 0x40 (our address)
Load I2CxTRN with response